Control consoles or switches?
Imagine a room with several lamps (also dimmed ones), window blinds, thermostats, all of this utilising a few light scenes. Everything is nicely lit, everything is functional and necessary for proper usage of the house. And now – imagine the wall by the door. It looks like the window of a lamp shop. Loads of switches, buttons and knobs all over the place. How do you know which of them controls which light? As the old saying goes – haste makes waste. You can be sure that when your child forgets their ID and leaves it lying about in the room it’s sure to roll the blinds down twice and illuminate your wedding photographs first before it – maybe – finds the main light switch which will allow it to get hold of their missing document.

Switches, knobs, thermometers, sensors, entry phone… easy to get lost.
Traditional switches do not have descriptions – we have to remember their functions by heart – and each one is there for something else. How about something like this?
One control console – a multitude of options. Aesthetics, comfort, functionality…