Installations - document templates

When the investor doesn’t settle invoices, or when the contractor is late…

Are you sure that you are properly protecting your rights?

Have you executed an installation, but cannot get your due pay? Did you order the creation of a system but the start-up date is long overdue, and there is no end of the work in sight? Despite what it might seem, these are not the worst things that can happen to you. The real trouble can begin if you hadn’t taken care of your rights already when signing the contract.

The implementation of a system (i. e. smart home, air-conditioning, heat pumps, audio/video system) is a grand undertaking, both for the investor and for the contractor.

When executing an order, the contractor uses their own materials, and – what’s also important – their time. There are other orderers waiting in line that also would like to know an estimated time of completion. Should the time of commissioning of a ready system delay itself by fault of the orderer, and if he himself refuses to pay for the work tone – the contractor bears additional losses…

An investor, when signing a contract, hopes for the order to be completed on time. Of course, he also wants the system to be build state-of-the-art. Trouble starts when the work delays itself for weeks and months, or when even after an initial start-up flaws begin to show…

Such situations are rare, but that’s no consolation for anyone experiencing them. That’s why – instead of hoping for luck – you’d better make use of professional documents securing each party their full rights.

We are offering you document templates written by SMARTech experts with assistance of lawyers. Beside a contract draft for an installation we are also providing you with i. e. commissioning protocols, system verification documents, even calls for payment.

A summary of your benefits:

  • no browsing of legal documents, in order to find out what rights you have in connection with the contract.
  • you are sure the documents do not contain any contradictory, easily contested entries,
  • you know that your rights are secure whether you are building the installation or ordering the execution of one,
  • the means of settling disputes, contractual penalties, etc., are settled at the time of signing – in case you need to, just call on the appropriate entries,
  • all documents are universal in nature, so you needn’t waste time to consult them with a lawyer.

(files that you can download on your computer)

Here’s a full list of documents contained in the guide 'Installations – document templates’:

  1. Installation execution contract
  2. Order for the creation of an installation draft
  3. Order for the creation of an installation design
  4. Order for the verification of an installation
  5. Design verification contract
  6. Equipment receipt confirmation
  7. Commissioning protocol
  8. Commissioning protocol
  9. Agreement on transfer of installation file code
  10. Installation warranty control check
  11. Installation maintenance control check
  12. Notice of complaint
  13. Call for payment I
  14. Call for payment II
  15. Call for payment III – final call

These document templates do not require modification. They can be printed and signed after filling in the basic data, like orderer and contractor name and address, order value or date of completion.

Why is this solution so interesting for you?

Take a look at the value of materials you are receiving:

Even up to 25 000 EUR – in case of the execution of several fully protected and secure orders for smart installations, a home theatre system or a multiroom system.

170 EUR – this would be the value of a training course during which one would be taught the drawing up of secure documents

97 EUR – this would be the price of a DVD with the training course if we were to distribute it in this manner.

67 EUR – this is the estimated value of printed material from the training seminar, which would explain the suggested solutions

47 EUR – you only need to invest this much in order to receive these document templates as MS word files. Thus you gain access to this information any time and anywhere you should need it.

But that’s not all!

Ordering the guide 'Installations – document templates’, you will also receive:
Bonus: A 167-page basic guide to smart home systems.



Would you like to receive free sample fragments of this? Here it is.



Five reasons why to order

You receive knowledge checked in practice
You don’t waste time searching for information
You receive concise, clearly arranged content
You receive your guides immediately upon ordering
No risk – money back guarantee


Don’t waste time looking for information – order now the guide 'Installations – document templates’ for the special price of 47 EUR (the price rises with each new addition, present customers will receive all future updates, so it’s worth buying quickly for a lower price) and make use of valuable tips gathered by professionals

P. S. I will not ask you to take my word. There is no need for it, because my security about the value of this knowledge allows me to give you a 30-DAY SATISFACTION GUARANTEE.




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Mariusz Szepietowski

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