How to create KNX design and installation?

Installation specialists and smart home system designers often seek answers to those and many other related questions regarding design and implementation of KNX/EIB systems. Browsing hundreds of pages of general information is time-consuming and ineffective. This, however, can be avoided. We had gathered information useful for installation specialists and designers in the guidebook „How to create KNX design and installation?”
(files that you can download on your computer)
In it you will read about, among others:
  • The main equipment and most important features of the system, distinguishing it from traditional installations.
  • Methods of executing and documenting the design.
  • The list of sections that should be included in the design.
  • Rules of installation design, illustrated with ready diagrams and schematics.
Step by step we will guide you through the system installation process. We will also tell you what you shouldn’t forget about, and what to pay particular attention to. The guide focuses on help in situations typical for installation specialists and designers during execution of smart systems. Numerous examples show typical or special, recommended solutions. Thanks to them you will be able to quickly evaluate which subsystems will prove themselves in a given building. The text contains many diagrams and illustrations. Through their analysis it will be easier for you to practically implement the knowledge gained from the examples shown. Here is a list of all topics covered by the guide:
  • Chapter I – Designing a KNX/EIB installation
  • Contents of the design
  • Remarks regarding the design
  • Chapter II – Rules of installation of the KNX/EIB system
  • The Instabus system
  • Powernet and RadioBus systems
  • Interim installation
  • Rules for the installation of window blind control circuitry
  • Chapter III – General design suggestions
  • Lighting in a smart home
  • A real cinema at home
  • A home cinema in the living room
  • Chapter IV – Phases of execution of smart home systems
  • Phase I – Installation design and laying
  • Phase III – Electric switch cabinet
  • Phase IV – Control consoles
  • Phase V – Start-up of the system
How much is the knowledge gathered in the publication worth? Even up to 25 000 EUR – this is its value after you have taken a few orders for the execution and implementation of KNX/EIB designs. 170 EUR – this is what a training seminar on the subject would cost, for one person, in a lecture hall. 97 EUR – this would be the price of a DVD with the training course if we were to distribute it in this manner. 77 EUR – this is the estimated value of printed material from the training seminar. 57 EUR – you only pay this much when buying the guide 'How to create a KNX/EIB design and intelligent installation?’, gaining access to these materials at any time, anywhere you need! Now you can have all the most important information always at your fingertips. Trust over 12 years of experience of SMARTech specialists. Order your guide 'How to create a KNX/EIB design and intelligent installation?’ today for the special price of 57 EUR (the price rises with each new addition, present customers will receive all future updates, so it’s worth buying quickly for a lower price). But that’s not all! When ordering the guide 'How to create a KNX/EIB design and intelligent installation?’ you will also receive: Bonus 1: special report: Which KNX/EIB system to choose? This report contains answers to questions like: How to select the most suitable system for a particular building? What are the prices of the individual components of the systems in relation to the data transmission medium? You will also read about three types of control media: radio waves, the electrical power network, and the system bus. Here is a list of topics covered by this free report:
  • Choice of a KNX/EIB system
  • Instabus KNX/EIB system
  • Description of the Powernet subsystem – control via the 230V power network
  • Description of the RadioBus system – control via radio waves
  • Instabus or Powernet?
  • Cost comparison of KNX/EIB subsystems
  • Prices of basic equipment for KNX systems
Bonus 2: 20 pages about 14 smart home systems available in Europe, including a table comparing their 36 features in detail. Bonus 3: A 167-page basic guide to smart home systems Bonus 4: KNX/EIB element symbols for AutoCAD
  Would you like to receive free sample fragments of this? Here it is.  
What do the readers think about the Guide? The subject of smart systems is very young and constantly developing, so there is a lack of technical publications about it in book stores and the Internet (there are a lot of advertising texts, but no concrete information), and that is why I was very happy, when I found the website when browsing the pile of online garbage, with its broad technical guidebook department (targeted at designers and installation specialists). Having acquainted myself with the titles, I chose the guide 'How to create a KNX design and installation’ – just hard facts, no advertising babble, everything clear, arranged as it should be, and what’s most important, including very valuable tips which greatly ease the preparation of installation designs for KNX. Having read this guide it dawned on me how little I know about this subject, that is why I had decided to obtain one more – 'How to build an electric switch cabinet for the KNX system’ – and it didn’t fail me also in this case. Upon reading both of them I must say that they are the must-have literature for any designer or electrician willing to create intelligent installations. Recommended – Rafał Nowosielski  
Five reasons why to order
You receive knowledge checked in practice
You don’t waste time searching for information
You receive concise, clearly arranged content
You receive your guides immediately upon ordering
No risk – money back guarantee
  Don’t waste time looking for information – order now the guide 'How to create a KNX/EIB design and intelligent installation?’ – get the free special report 'Which KNX/EIB system to choose?’ and make use of valuable tips as gathered and used by professionals. P. S. I will not ask you to take my word. There is no need for it, because my security about the value of this knowledge allows me to give you a 30-DAY SATISFACTION GUARANTEE.  


If within 30 days from making the order you come to the conclusion that the knowledge you had received doesn’t fulfil your expectations, let me know, and I will refund you the money.

Mariusz Szepietowski
This simple decision is now up to you: Summary – what you will get as part of this offer:
  • Over 280 pages of information and tips for investors, installation specialists and designers of KNX/EIB installations
  • Information guidebook 'How to create a KNX/EIB design and intelligent installation?’
  • Bonus 1: Basic guidebook on Smart Home Systems
  • Bonus 2: 20 pages about 14 smart home systems available in Europe
  • Bonus 3: A 167-page basic guide to smart home systems
  • Bonus 4: KNX/EIB element symbols for AutoCAD
I am more than pleased about the content of your publications – all of them are very useful.” Heinz Lux, Director of KNX Association, Brussels, Belgium „These Clearly Explained Set of Books contain All the Information a KNX System Integrator would like to know but is afraid to Ask” Gurudath Kavalu – founding Member of the KNX National Group in India