How to win customers for Premium products?

192 pages of solid tips for everyone offering their customers Premium class products – expensive, luxury home appliances that most people do not need but still dream about them, and available to the few that consider them necessary.

This publication offers practical tips that can be used instantly. It contains answers to the most important questions:

  • Where to find potential customers?
    Despite pretence, this isn’t difficult. If at this moment you believe that around you there is nobody whom it would be worth recommending your Premium products to – this guidebook will open your eyes.
  • How to make contact with them?
    The first meeting with a customer is very important. What to say and in what order, so that they are interested in the offer? Learn the magic formula!
  • How to determine their expectations?
    Premium products offer a multitude of possibilities; if you will want to describe them all at once, you will overload your customer with excessive information. Find out what you can do to quickly determine the needs of your discussion partner and adapt your presentation to suit them.
  • What are the stages of cooperation: from offer presentation to signing the contract?
    Nobody will order a Premium product already after the first meeting. Before reaching a decision, the customer will want to gather information on the price and scope of your product/service, as well as convince themselves of the trustworthiness of your company. This book will guide you step by step through each stage of negotiations. Thanks to it you will feel self-assured, and you will use your creativity in customer relations.
  • When to speak, and when to remain silent?
    This doesn’t concern the course of the discussion itself, but a certain negotiation savoir-vivre. When to call your customer, and when to patiently wait for his decision? How to subtly remind them of the offer delivered a few days ago. Trust the tried and proven schemes of negotiators and sales masters.

How is it that so many businessmen make contact with their customers and sell their company’s products so easily?

It may be because some of them have an innate talent for convincing others. But the majority of them just go through training courses and start using proven sales methods. Just like the ones we present in our guide 'How to win customers for Premium products?’.
Here is a list of all topics covered by the guide:

Chapter I – Customer acquisition process

  1. Finding and reaching your customer
  2. Preparing for the meeting
  3. The first meeting with a potential customer
  4. Description and discussion of the customer’s needs
  5. Drawing up the offer
  6. Presentation of an offer to satisfy the customer’s needs
  7. Negotiations and signing of the contract
  8. Drawing conclusions from the negotiations

Chapter II – Sales skills

  1. A characteristic of the perfect salesperson
  2. The sale process

How much is the knowledge gathered in the publication worth?

Even up to 25 000 EUR – this is its value after you have taken a few orders for your Premium products.

170 EUR – this is what a training seminar on the subject would cost, for one person, in a lecture hall.

97 EUR – this would be the price of a DVD with the training course if we were to distribute it in this manner.

77 EUR – this is the estimated value of printed material from the training seminar.

57 EUR – you only pay this much when buying the guide 'How to win customers for Premium products?’, gaining access to this material at any time and in any place!

Now you can have all the most important information always at your fingertips. Trust over 12 years of experience of SMARTech specialists. Order your guide 'How to win customers for Premium products?’ today for the special price of 57 EUR (the price rises with each new addition, present customers will receive all future updates, so it’s worth buying quickly for a lower price).
But that’s not all!

Ordering the guide 'How to win customers for Premium products?’, you will also receive:

Bonus 1: A 167-page basic guide to Smart Home Systems

Bonus 2: Document templates and examples for the intelligent system market – a requirement analysis questionnaire for the KNX/EIB system; initial customer requirements; data acquisition sheet for offer preparation; sample offer for an intelligent installation.

Would you like to receive free sample fragments of this? Here it is.

What do the readers think about the Guide?

This is a very difficult question, for which there is no simple answer, and I believe trade representatives all over the world will agree on this. I had read a few publications on the subject – because I am of the opinion that there is no need to rediscover America – in order to find an answer to the question which every salesman poses himself – how to win a customer. I had also read this electronic guide (competitive price, in comparison to paper publications), which also seeks to answer this question. The results? Well – it is no 'Salesman’s Bible’ – even if due to the size – but it discusses in a very accessible way the ways to approach a specific customer interested in more expensive and non-standard solutions; it presents very nicely the process of 'enticing’ the customer, and shows simple and effective sales techniques. Experienced salespeople will probably not be surprised by any breakthrough statements, but if one had been in the business for less than five years, or is practically a beginner in this very difficult profession, where the troubles with selling a product grow exponentially as the wealth of the buyer increases, then one should start by reading just this guide, and only then reach for other books.

I recommend it – Marcin Szponder (Sales representative)

Five reasons why to order

You receive knowledge checked in practice
You don’t waste time searching for information
You receive concise, clearly arranged content
You receive your guides immediately upon ordering
No risk – money back guarantee

Don’t waste time looking for information – order now the guide 'How to win customers for Premium products?’, get all the annexes about smart homes, and make use of valuable tips as gathered and used by professionals.

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If within 30 days from making the order you come to the conclusion that the knowledge you had received doesn’t fulfil your expectations, let me know, and I will refund you the money.

Mariusz Szepietowski

This simple decision is now up to you:

Yes, I want to order the e-book: How to win customers for Premium products? for the gross price of 57 EUR.

Immediately after payment you will get access to files to download them to your computer for use any time.

Summary – what you will get as part of this offer:

  • 192 pages of solid tips for anyone offering their customers Premium-class products
  • Information guidebook 'How to acquire customers for Premium products?’
  • Bonus 1: Basic guidebook on Smart Home Systems
  • Bonus 2: Templates and examples for the intelligent system market

I am more than pleased about the content of your publications – all of them are very useful.
Heinz Lux, Director of KNX Association, Brussels, Belgium

These Clearly Explained Set of Books contain All the Information a KNX System Integrator would like to know but is afraid to Ask
Gurudath Kavalu – founding Member of the KNX National Group in India