What is a smart home?

„Reduce your bills. Care for the environment. Choose comfort. Choose a smart home.” More and more often in the media, in discussions with customers, one can hear the phrase smart home, friendly house… but what kind of a house should it exactly be?

Since you are interested in receiving our guide, you are probably aware of the fact that a good architectural design, and an interesting interior are only half of the success. The requirements of the family members constantly grow. They would like the house to be useful and functional, modern and safe, to provide comfort for the family and… their wallets. Where to get inspiration for such designs? From intelligent future…

We will try to describe to you the essence of a smart home. What is it exactly, and what are its capabilities? What advantages and simplifications can it provide? Why is it worth it to invest in a house like this? We work together with architects every day, on each of our projects. So, we know their requirements and doubts, and of course – the needs and doubts of the customers. That is why we will endeavour to describe to you a smart home from your perspective. We will show you how to best make use of chances offered by intelligent technology.

First, let us think about what makes a home intelligent. Present-day electric systems controlling the lights, heating, window blinds and audio/video systems are all independent from each other and operate on their own. The will to increase the comfort of life and to provide safety to oneself and to those closest had brought forth the integration of all installations so that they worked together, operated together and communicated, and – foremost – served the family better.

The smart home is simply the integration of all household installations for the purpose of their control from one control console/panel in a room, remotely via a control unit, the computer or the Internet. In case of many doors leading into one space and/or many devices, a traditional installation soon becomes too complex. The solution to this problem is an intelligent installation. The goal here is the achievement of energy savings, better security of the house and the family, increased comfort of use of the growing number of home appliances, and better aesthetics (one console/panel on a wall looks nicer than five different ones controlling different systems). Such systems were in the beginning installed in office highrises, where energy savings are a priority, but for 20 years now they had seen more frequent use in houses and flats.