Reality better than dreams

We wouldn’t have been able to convince our customers about the idea of smart homes if we ourselves hadn’t believed in it. After all, who of us doesn’t dream of a comfortable, safe and economic house?

Try to imagine this: when you enter your house, soothing, pleasant lighting is switched on, window blinds and drapes are shut, and your favourite music begins playing. You don’t have to worry about setting the light level in the living room when guests surprise you – all it takes is one press of a button to change the atmosphere – to 'evening meeting’, 'romantic dinner’ or 'film night’ .

When hurrying to work in the morning you don’t have to worry about whether you had left the light on in the bedroom. When you turn the key in the lock, the alarm system will arm, external blinds will close, temperature in the rooms will be reduced, and any lamps or home electronics left on will turn off instantly. Why waste precious energy if you will be away from the house for the next several hours? What if the water from a tap left running was to flood the house…? The system will automatically close the valve and will call you on your mobile phone.