Security and savings

A smart home system allows the integration of important functions related specifically to security. Not only smoke, humidity and other detectors can function in a smart system, but also the whole alarm and monitoring (CCTV) system. In our designs, we utilise the capabilities of standard alarm systems (output from central unit informing on the state of sensors). Such a solution reduces costs and gives more options to provide protection. We will speak on this topic in detail in the next part of the guide. Today, remember this – smart appliances can help protect the home from damage and reduce the effects of accidents or incidents. In an intelligent house, one can thus sleep peacefully…

Weather station, wind, smoke and precipitation sensors

Weather sensors complement the control units by the ability to react to changing outside conditions. Rain sensors cause i. e. the closing of roof windows in a storm so the attic isn’t flooded. That same signal can stop any sprinklers of the garden. A wind sensor will cause window marquees or external blinds to roll back, so they aren’t damaged. A light intensity sensor will i. e. change the angle of blind slats or the setting of window blinds or marquees. Depending on the intensity of sunlight it also optimises the brightness and temperature in any room.      

Energy usage meters

TVs, tuners, game consoles, laptop and mobile phone chargers, DSL routers – these are devices that make home energy meters pick up pace. Apart from damaging the environment they also attack your home budget, with constantly increasing prices. Investments in energy use optimisation are thus advantageous and economically sound. Using new power meters you can thus identify these household 'power hogs’.