Comfort in a smart home

You come home after a carefree holiday. It’s a warm summer evening. In the garden you take off your shoes. Barefoot, you step onto the soft, slightly damp grass that had just been sprayed with the automatic sprinkler system. You relish the moment breathing the fresh air. One thing is certain. You have to slowly start getting back to the real world. It isn’t easy. The last thing you remember is the fact that you left the iron running! A vision able to disturb any good start of a holiday. But not yours. Smiling, you recollect the fact that there’s a system disconnecting power from the outlets when you leave the house. From your pocket you take out the phone that’s been off for a week. The inbox contains no reports of malfunctions in your house, which you are about to enter.


The motion detector makes the lights come up, welcoming you home. It gives you great pleasure, because the light is dimmed, does not shine you in the eyes – the magic of rest goes on. The house is pleasantly cool, because you took care of the temperature adjusting it earlier via the Internet. You enter the living room and light up a few lamps that illuminate the room subtly. After a long holiday this poses no problem, because every function is clearly described on the switch. You sit down on the couch, take the remote control and, pressing the 'relax’ button, light up a few points in the space around you. Soothing twilight around you, with soft music in the background.

We will advise you, what elements you should use in your house, and what you can go without or leave for later addition. Remember that easy system upgrades allow for step-by-step evolution of your intelligent home and raising the comfort level. You do not have to decide on everything at once and install all the functions. You decide, when and what to use. We will help you get that you are looking for and what you need.