Economic heating

Once again, as was the case with the descriptions in the previous parts, you will find that a smart home system will increase your feeling of comfort and safety while bringing additional savings along.

Remember the benefits from integrating your smart home system with heating. In a typical installation, energy losses are generated through redundant heating of rooms. Thanks to independent temperature adjustment for each room one can save a lot of energy (over 30%, in some cases up to 48%)!




• Individual temperature settings for different rooms increase comfort and take care of the health of the family.
• When the family leaves the house, temperature levels in the house are reduced by several degrees, which saves energy (1 °C = 6% energy saved).
• Automatic temperature reduction in the night and in empty rooms also increases savings.
• The house is aired out before the family arrives.
• Air conditioning is turned on only if there is anybody in the house, so as not to waste energy
• Warm air heating can also be controlled. Air heated by the fireplace (or furnace) is distributed throughout the house via special ducts.

In a typical installation energy losses arise due to redundant heating of rooms. Thanks to independent temperature adjustment in each room one can save a lot (over 30%, in some cases even up to 48%)!